
Artificial intelligence is a topic that is attracting the attention of many people in the age of rapidly developing digital technology. AI is already changing the way we live, work and interact. AI applications bring many amazing benefits, helping us handle work more effectively.

Many people are still hesitant when faced with the application of artificial intelligence (AI), however, studies by scientists from Harvard and MIT show that those who know how to apply this technology will have Higher chances of success over the long term.

Although the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become a hot topic in recent years and many people feel worried that their jobs will be replaced by automated processes, According to new research from Harvard and MIT scientists, artificial intelligence not only takes away jobs but also helps people work more efficiently. Another study from Oracle shows that 79% of leaders in the human resources field and 60% of workers participating in the survey believe that refusing to accept the application of artificial intelligence will bring negative consequences for their employees. their careers, colleagues and the organization itself. In other words, those willing to accept and use AI will make powerful strides, while those who refuse may struggle in their personal and professional growth.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intellectual processes using machines, especially computer systems. Natural language processing, speech recognition, and computer vision are some examples of specific AI applications.

Simply put, large-scale, intelligent, iterative processing algorithms are combined to create AI systems. Now, AI can learn from patterns and features in the data evaluated thanks to this combination. The artificial intelligence system tests and evaluates its performance after each round of data processing, using the results to develop additional expertise.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has the ability to operate continuously and non-stop. This is a big step up from people who need time to do multiple tasks. People can be assisted by artificial intelligence when they need time off. AI is also used globally and across many markets, enabling smart solutions to be used everywhere.

While there are countless advantages to technology, what exactly are the advantages of artificial intelligence?

Automate manual processes

Automation eliminates many repetitive and tedious tasks that can often cause human error. For example, instead of emailing back and forth to schedule meetings, AI solutions can integrate with employee calendars to find the right time for everyone who needs to attend the meeting.

Or taking notes – a time-consuming task that distracts employees during meetings – can be done more effectively thanks to AI. AI (Speech-to-Text) tools automatically record and transcribe meetings, then publish notes as searchable text. From there, save a significant amount of time while ensuring all meeting participants receive the most detailed notes.

With automation, work is done faster and safer, while improving business efficiency and labor productivity.

Support faster and smarter decision making

Human thoughts and emotions tend to influence decision making in a variety of ways. On the other hand, artificial intelligence operates solely on data and logic without regard to any kind of emotions. As a result, artificial intelligence can help people make decisions faster and smarter.

AI can help coordinate data distribution and develop consistency. It also has the ability to analyze data, detect trends, make forecasts, and quantify risk and uncertainty. AI reporting can help executives and company leaders make the best decisions for their organizations.

Enhance customer experience and personalization

A popular application of artificial intelligence (AI) today is using chatbots or voicebots. This not only brings efficiency to businesses but also quickly responds to customer needs without wasting too much time.

Previously, customers could only ask questions or give feedback within fixed time periods to receive a response from staff. But with the application of AI, this problem can be solved. Businesses can serve and answer customers 24/7, because AI is capable of working at all times without direct human intervention.

About 70% of individual customers and 82% of business customers emphasize that “personalized experiences will influence our loyalty”

Therefore, businesses are integrating personalization into their strategies to provide the best customer experience. In the past, collecting customer data often required manual steps such as conducting surveys or requesting information directly. However, the emergence of AI helps automate this process by accessing customer profiles and providing valuable information to businesses. This allows businesses to reach specific target groups, providing personalized experiences and effectively responding to each customer’s wishes.

For example, when online services like Netflix and retail stores use intelligent systems to study shopping patterns, they use personal data from consumers along with large data sets. to determine each customer’s personal preferences, style and needs. The goal is to serve each customer in the most relevant way, based on detailed information about their individual characteristics at all times.


Artificial intelligence will continue to significantly impact our workplaces in the coming years, and by embracing this technology, employee productivity and business profitability will be increased over the long term. .

Part of the general trend of the 4.0 revolution, Hekate has applied advanced technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to provide solutions to optimize business operations for businesses. Enterprises with many different industries such as: Manufacturing, Healthcare, Education, Public Sector,….

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